Imperial Analytics is purpose driven to give you the clear data needed to make informed decisions to improve your gardens. Using methods specifically developed to test your soil, whether potting media, native soil, or a hybrid of the two, IA gives clear results you can trust.
AgSource provides a wide range of analytical services for growers and producers, golf course superintendents, and landscape professionals in the Midwest and around the world. If you’re looking for reliable water, turf, media or agricultural testing services, look no further. We offer soil, soil health, plant tissue, manure, fertilizer and irrigation water analyses.
Logan Labs is the leading provider of
analytical and consulting services to all
areas of the agricultural community. We
pride ourselves in quick turnaround time
and analytical accuracy.
Accurate and consistent results are our top priority. Our quality control program includes standard check samples and blind check samples. We also are a participating member of the North American Proficiency Testing Program.
The Soil, Water and Forage Analytical Laboratory (SWFAL) was established by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service to provide soil testing, plant, animal waste and water analyses for the State of Oklahoma and anyone who needs agricultural testing services. Each year over 60,000 various samples are submitted for analyses by thousands of farmers, ranchers, homeowners, consultants, governmental agencies and researchers. Interpretations and recommendations are made based on many years' field calibrations conducted in Oklahoma. SWFAL provides valuable information that helps lab users to protect and utilize their soil, water, animal manure, and forage resources efficiently and effectively.